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Voices from customers


Before the sessions, I used to blame others and the environment for my problems and inability to do what I wanted to do. In order to solve my problems and make my wishes come true, I had to accept the facts and face my own mind. By accepting the facts and confronting my own mind to solve my problems and realize my wishes, I gradually became able to solve my problems in a positive way. Chika's sessions have helped me to do this.

I have experienced that by changing myself, the people around me, especially my children, have changed for the better. I am enjoying my changes. And I hope to spend the rest of my life in a more fulfilling way.

セッションを受ける前の私は、自分の悩みややりたいことができないことを、相手や環境のせいにしていました。Chikaさんのセッションを受けて、私はそれに改めて気づくことができ、そして自分の悩みを解決するため、願いを実現させるために、事実を受け止め、自分の心と向き合うことで、自分で問題を前向きに解決していく事が少しずつできるようになりました。Chika さんのセッションがそれを導いてくれました。


私が変わることで、私の周りにいる人 ( 特に子供達 ) が良い方向に変わったことを経験しています。私は自分の変化を楽しんでいます。そして、これからの人生をより豊かに過ごしたいと思っています。

Yukiko M

During coaching sessions with Chika through Zoom for a few months, I was surprised to find that I was lacking self-compassion and as a result, many areas of my life were suffering.  It was an amazing insight that has had a profound impact.  With Chika's help, I now notice when I'm being harsh to myself and able to change my words to myself and to others and also my actions.  I am taking better care of myself as a result, with healthy food, better sleep, less sugar, and more movement.

Chika recommended the 6-week Positive Intelligence (PQ) program and I signed up.  I am blown away by how much this program makes my life make sense.  It is truly opening my eyes to my thoughts and behaviors.  


A few years ago, I joined an online course to help me be more organized.  After quite some time in the course, I was still feeling frustrated with my disorganization and as though no one understood.  During the first few days of the PQ program with Chika, I realized the real roots of my disorganization and my frustration.  


I am confident that I am well on my way to learning how to deal with the real reasons for my disorganization (and procrastination, the lack of self-compassion, and other life issues).  I have hope that I can actually change how I think and therefore my life.

Chikaとの数ヶ月間のコーチングセッションで、自分に思いやりがなく、その結果人生の多くの領域で苦しんでいることに気づき、驚きました。  これは驚くべき洞察で、大きな影響を与えてくれました。  Chikaの助けにより、私は今、自分自身に厳しい言葉をかけている時に気づき、自分自身や他人への言葉、そして行動を変えることができるようになりました。  その結果、食事は健康的になり、睡眠の質があがり、甘いものの摂取が減り、運動も増え、自分自身をより大切にすることができるようになりました。



数年前、私は整理整頓のオンラインコースに参加しました。  受講後しばらく経っても、自分の整理整頓ができないことに苛立ちを感じ、誰も理解してくれないような気がしていました。 


PQプログラムの最初の数日間で、私は自分の無秩序さとフラストレーションの本当のルーツに気づきました。 私は自分の無秩序(そして先延ばし、自分に対する思いやりの欠如、その他の人生の問題)がなぜ起こるのか、その真の理由に対処できるようになってきていると自信を持っています。自分の考え方を変えることで、人生を変えていけるという希望があります。

Sylvia Stuckey

Q.1 What did you appreciate most about working together? 

Chika never gave up on me.  Even when I wanted to put up my barriers she stuck with me and we worked out why I keep doing this.  Everything that she taught me has to do with changing my mindset.  Once I changed my mindset I could change the outcome I was getting. 

Q.2 How would you explain our work or process to someone who is thinking of doing it?

Stick with the process.  At first you don't even realize what is happening, but then after each session she teaches you how to solve your own problems.   You bring the questions to the session but Chika teaches you how to dig deep and find the answers, so actually you are bringing the questions and the answers.  Chika makes this process come more easily but it is always work that is well worth it.  

Q.3 What was your biggest “aha” moment during the process? How did you feel that you transformed or changed as a result? 

I had to get past the point of worrying about others.  I was either trying to fix their problems or blaming them for one of mine.  After several sessions, we kept coming back to the word courage. 


It finally clicked that it was me that was setting up these barriers in my own life. I was giving myself excuses as to why I was not a good mom/wife, why I was disorganized, why I couldn't get a simple task done during the day, why I was not enjoying every day, and simply how to be happy right now. 


It is extremely freeing knowing that you don't have to give 100% and 20% will do.  I get more done on the days I tell myself I only have to do 20% then on the days when I was trying for 100%.  I am becoming the person I dream to be and NOT the person I think everyone expects me to be.  AND that is extremely freeing! 

Q.4 Who is this work perfect for? Would you describe that person?

Anyone who dreams of becoming who they were meant to be, but are always cutting themself short with self doubt and fear of what others think or believe. 

Q.5 Is there anything else you want to tell me?

Chika teaches you how to change your mindset.  When you change your mindset you can overcome any problem that your mind can think up!

Thank you so much!  I can't wait to see what great things you continue to do.  

Q.1 コーチとのセッション全体を通じて、最も感謝している事は何ですか?

Chikaは決して私を見捨てませんでした。 私がセッションを受ける事に(心理的)壁を作ろうとしたときでさえ、私に寄り添って、なぜ私が壁を作ろうとしているのか一緒に考えてくれました。 Chikaが教えてくれたことは、つまるところ、マインドセットを変えることの重要性ですそして変えてくれたのです。 マインドセットを変えたら、得られる結果が変わりました。 


Q.2 セッションを受けるかどうか考えている人に、セッションのプロセスをどのように説明しますか?

セッション内で行われる過程に従って下さい。 最初は何が起こっているのかさえ気づかないのですが、セッションを重ねるごとに、自分自身の問題を解決する方法が分かってきます。 つまり自分が直面している問題の答えは、すでに自分の中にあるということ。Chikaは一緒に深く掘り下げて、私の心の奥の底にある「答え」を見つける手助けをしてくれるのです Chikaのおかげでこのプロセスがより簡単になるのです。セッションは毎回、常に価値があります。

Q.3 プロセス中、最も大きな「“aha” moment(突如として開眼する、悟る)」は何でしたか? また、その結果、あなたはどのように変化したと感じましたか?

「他人のことばかり気になっていたのは、自分と向き合いたくなかったから」と気がついた瞬間です。私は相手の問題を解決しようとするか、自分の問題を相手のせいにしていました。 数回のセッションの後、私たちは勇気という言葉に何度も立ち返りました。




そして、完璧でなくてよい、つまり100%の力を出さなくても20%の力を出せばいいんだと気がつき、すごく自由になれました。 20%でいいんだ」と自分に言い聞かせた日は、100%を目指していた日よりも多くのことができるようになりました。 私は、みんなが期待している自分ではなく、自分が夢見る自分になりつつあります。 そして、どんどん開放的な気分になっています。ますます自由に、解き放たれていくようです。

Q.4 このセッションは、どんな人にお勧めですか?


Q.5 他に何か伝えたい事はありますか?

Chikaは、マインドセットを変える方法を教えてくれます。 マインドセットを変えれば、どんな問題でも克服することができます。ありがとうございました! これからも、どんな素晴らしいことをされるのか、楽しみです。

Tracy Phillips

First, I watched a video to learn the characteristics of the Saboteurs in my mind, and then I had a private session with my coach to see how my Saboteurs were affecting my mind and behavior. With my coach, I was able to realize how I had been manipulated by Saboteurs in my mind that I was not aware of. I learned that it is so important to consciously make the Sage as my ally, and deeply understand one's own personality and behavior. In addition, I was able to re-evaluate myself by opening up about myself to discuss long-time life goals from my childhood in private sessions.

As a result, rather than asking others to change, I was able to find a different approach with a different perspective, I was able to talk to my teammates in a more positive way, and the atmosphere of the team changed drastically.

In addition to the videos and sessions, the PQ app notified me several times daily to do a few minutes of imagery training using the PQ app, and that exercise helped me to reset my mind. It's important to calm down when your brain was in "work mode", and I think it was a very great experience to reset my mind for a few minutes in the middle of a busy day.

In addition, using the app on a daily basis, I became aware of the Saboteurs of my mind, who have very strong power, and the Sage, who is my ally. With my couch, I created “own reminder” to not to forget that I didn’t need to be perfect. My motto is "I take responsibility for what I say," so by putting this into practice, I felt that my self-confidence grew every day.

At the time, I was working in different industries and in different environments, so I was confused about my position and tired both physically and mentally. Through the sessions with my coach, I was able to learn how to manage myself by accumulating small actions, which I would like to incorporate into my daily life.

I would recommend this course to anyone who feels that things are not going well, who is struggling in their relationships, or who wants to examine their own mind, but especially to those who are currently managing a team, who want to make teamwork go more smoothly, or who want to move into a management position. I highly recommend this course to anyone who is currently managing a team, who wants to improve teamwork, or who wants to move into a management position in the future.




まずは自分の心に持っている「妨害者(Saboteurs)」の特徴をビデオで学習、プライベートセッションで自分が持っている「妨害者(Saboteurs)」が具体的にどう自分の考え方や行動に影響を与えているのかをコーチChikaさんと一緒に見つめていくことにより、これまでに意識していなかった心の「妨害者(Saboteurs)」にいかに操られていたかを知ることができました。意識して「賢者 (Sage)」を心の味方にしていく事、自分自身の性格や行動を深く理解することが大切である事を学びました。さらにChikaさんとのプライベートセッションでは、幼少時代から今に至るまでの生き方、人生感などをオープンにすることで改めて自分自身を見直すことができたと思います。



なお、毎週のセッションと日々のアプリを活用していく中で、非常に強い権力を持っている心の「妨害者(Saboteurs)」と、私の心の味方「賢者 (Sage)」の存在を意識するようになり、私自身の存在価値や完璧でなくてもいいのだということを、日々忘れないよう自分自身のリマインド方法を考え、それをコーチChikaさんに約束しました。「自分の言ったことには責任を持つ」というのが私のモットーでもあるので、それを実行に移すことにより日々、自分への自信につながっていったように感じます。



Kaori P

Q.1 What has had the greatest impact on your life as a result of the coaching session? 

Relationships between parents and children, between friends.


Q.2 What was your biggest "aha" moment during the process? How did you feel you changed as a result?

I used to think too much about what to talk about when meeting with my kid’s friend’s moms, but after the session with Chika, I realized that what was really important was to "enjoy the moment and most importantly, if the children can enjoy themselves" and I was able to spend time smoothly and without tiring myself.


Q.3 What is something that you decided to do because of our coaching sessions that really impacted your life?

I have a 4-year-old son and a 2-year-old daughter. I was spending a lot of time with my daughter, and because of this, I was often sterner with my son, and it made him feel lonely. I decided to spend more time with my son and try to calmly listen to him when he throws tantrums. As a result, my son's attitude calmed down and I myself became less angry.


Q.4 What would not have happened without the coaching sessions?

I think that I would have been unable to digest what was stuck in my mind about my own past, and I would have been troubled for a long time.


Q.5 What was the best part of the PQ program?

I was able to learn the means to stop and look at things calmly when I was in a negative state of mind.


Q.6 What are the advantages and benefits of the PQ program and private sessions as a set?

I think the advantage is that we can first look for what type of person we are and what our current behavior is related to the past in the private sessions, and then learn how to face and means of dealing with them in the PQ program.


Q.7 What did you appreciate most about working together?

Being able to talk to Chika about things I couldn't talk to others about before and being able to take a step forward.


Q.8 How would you describe our work and process to someone considering this program (PQ + private sessions)?

The program allows me to be more in touch with myself than ever before.


Q.9 Who is this program (PQ + private sessions) best suited for? Please describe the person.

I would recommend this program to people who want to start something new, or people who want to improve what is happening to themselves but don't know how to do it.


Q.10 If you were to recommend a private session with Chika or the PQ program to a friend, how would you describe them?

I would tell them that Chika is easy to talk to about things that you can't talk to others about, and that you will discover a lot of new things about yourself and interpersonal relationships.


Q.11 Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

When I met Chika, I was struggling with child-rearing and mommy friendships. I sometimes thought too much and could not face my past events, which often affected my parenting. However, thanks to this program, I was able to face myself, and as a result, even if I get stuck in child-rearing, I feel that I am able to calm down and look at things objectively little by little. Thanks to Chika, I have been able to have a positive impact not only on myself but also on my husband and children. Thank you for 7 weeks!

Q.1 コーチングセッションの結果、あなたの人生に最も大きな影響を与えたことは何ですか? 



Q.2 その過程で最も大きな「ハッ」とした瞬間は何でしたか?その結果、あなたはどのように変化したと感じましたか?









Q.5 PQプログラムでよかったところは、何ですか?



Q.6 PQプログラムとプライベートセッションがセットになっているメリット、効果や、良かったことは何ですか?



Q.7 コーチChikaとのセッション全体を通じて、最も感謝している事は何ですか?



Q.8 私たちのワークやプロセスを、 このプログラム(PQ+プライベートセッション) を検討している人に、どのように説明しますか?



Q.9 このプログラム(PQ+プライベートセッション)は、どのような人にお勧めですか?



Q.10 コーチChikaとのプライベートセッションやPQプログラムを、友人に薦めるとしたら、どのように話しますか?



Q.11 他に何か伝えたいことはありますか?



Chika and I partnered together in coaching sessions so that I could achieve some personal goals. I really appreciated that Chika is honest, direct, and lovely all at the same time. I struggle with executive functioning (ADHD) and my mind can wander in all directions. Chika was amazing at bringing me back to the task. Between sessions, I could work on some reflective activities so that I could keep progressing and have more time to think deeply. 


During the process, I had an ‘aha’ moment that was quite life-changing for me. I had always been concerned about why I didn’t feel like what (according to others) I ‘should’ feel about relationships. I’d believed the narrative that great relationships with friends and family is the most important life goal. I didn’t feel such a deep connection to family and friends, so I really felt like I MUST be missing out on something if the whole world says relationships are so important. I spent a lot of time analyzing why I just don’t feel the same way. Now I realize through working with Chika that people have all kinds of preferences. I am the way I am, and that is ok. This might seem like a trivial thing but being able to unpack these thoughts and understand how they were constantly influencing me to do ‘what I think I SHOULD do’ instead of ‘what I WANT to do’ was huge. Now, I move forward on my goals with more clarity on my objectives and my preferences.


Working with Chika would be ideal for anyone who has a goal in mind and is feeling stuck or needs validation on how to move forward.  I loved my sessions with Chika and I would absolutely engage her again for future coaching.



その過程で、私の人生を変えるような「“aha” moment(突如として開眼する、悟る)」瞬間がありました。私は人間関係について、なぜ他の人々と同じように感じられないのか、ずっと気になっていたのです。「友人や家族との素晴らしい関係が、人生の最も重要な目標である」という説を信じていました。私は家族や友人とそれほど深いつながりを感じていなかったので、全世界が人間関係が重要だと言うのなら、私は何かを見逃しているに違いないと本当に感じました。なぜ自分がそう感じないのか、長い時間をかけて分析していたのです。そして今、私はChikaとのコーチングセッションから、「何が重要かは人によって様々である」事に気がつきました。私は私のままで、それでいいのです。これは些細なことに思えるかもしれませんが、長い間囚われていた「その思考」から解放され、そして「その思考」がどのように自分に影響を及ぼしていたか、つまり「自分がしたいこと」ではなく、「自分がすべきと思うこと」をするべきだと自分に課してきたのだという事を理解できたのは、とても大きなことでした。「自分の目的や自分がどうしたいのか」がより明確になり、私は今目標に向かって前進しています。


Chikaとのセッションは、目標があるのに行き詰まりを感じている人、前に進む方法を確認したい人に最適だと思います。 私はChikaとのセッションが大好きで、将来絶対に彼女のコーチングを、再度受けたいと思っています。


Meeting Chika was a pure coincidence. I still remember that Clubhouse session of Cliff Ravenscraft (shout out to him) in which we met. Sometimes you just want to get a perspective from someone who is not directly related to you as direct relations often have their biases.


And that’s what I found in Chika, the thing that I appreciate most about working with her is that her techniques and the way she makes you visualize things are purely based on your own feelings (she just makes that process a whole lot easier). She’s very soft-spoken and respectful of your culture and values, maybe it’s the Japanese in her, or that’s just the way she is. Working with her was extremely smooth and never ever did I feel as if I’m being judged.


The biggest ‘aha’ moment for me while working with her was when I realized that instead of trying to change others, we must focus on what we can do within ourselves (it might sound cliché but that’s the truth).


I think anyone who is struggling with life and who doesn’t know what is the thing that’s going wrong in his/her life should definitely consider Chika as his/her life coach because sometimes it’s all about asking the right set of questions to yourself and she helps in identifying those questions.


In Chika, I’ve found a friend for life and will always appreciate the kind of person she is. I hope she is happy and healthy for her lifetime. Thank You, Chika!

Chika との出会いは、まったくの偶然でした。

私たちが出会ったあのCliff Ravenscraft のClubhouseは、今も忘れられません。私たちは時には、直接関係のない人からの偏見のない視点が必要なものです。








 Naveen Singh Chauhan

Working with Chika has been great. I appreciate her kind, yet decisive approach when helping me become aware of the new possibilities for my professional life. Chika uses visual imagination, breathing exercises and a journey-like method to self-discovery.


My biggest “aha-moment" was understanding that you don’t have to change completely to change your attitude towards a business or a career issue, but you can put on “rose-colored glasses” to see the situation from a different perspective. Chika also encourages role-play to show you how others may interact with the challenge.


Chika’s coaching is perfect for people who have clear issues they want to work through in both professional and private lives.







Whenever I talked to Chika, I was able to reset my mind and become more positive. I forgive myself fully. I am grateful. Take action. Never give up. Believe in yourself. Raise your self-image. Take care of yourself. I will continue to do this. To put my hand on my heart and say something wonderful about myself. I realized once again that it takes a lot of patience to keep yourself on track toward your goals. Chika, thank you so much for everything you have done for me. I'm so happy to have met you.


 Harumi N

Q.1  What did you appreciate most about working together? 

 I appreciated having my coach being such a supportive accountability partner and knowing that Chika was going to be there every other week making sure I was following through on my commitments.

Q.2 How would you explain our work or process to someone who is thinking of doing it?

 I’d explain our work as very collaborative, I always get the opportunity to discuss what’s on my mind but if I’m not sure what to cover I can always count on Chika to help direct our sessions.

Q.3 What was your biggest “aha” moment during the process? How did you feel that you transformed or changed as a result?

I’d say my biggest aha moment was realizing that being connected to my feelings wasn’t important because I wanted to be different, but because I wanted to be a better husband to my wife and a better advisor to my clients.  For the first time in my life, I was open to changing in this area, because I had a stronger why.

Q.4 Who is this work perfect for? Would you describe that person?

I think this kind of work would be perfect for someone that is introspective and desires to be the most well-rounded version of themselves and is open to trying new things and hearing new ideas.

Q.1 コーチとのセッション全体を通じて、最も感謝している事は何ですか?



Q.2 セッションを受けるかどうか考えている人に、セッションのプロセスをどのように説明しますか?


Q.3 プロセス中、最も大きな「“aha” moment(突如として開眼する、悟る)」は何でしたか? また、その結果、あなたはどのように変化したと感じましたか?

私の最大のハッとした瞬間は、自分の感情と深くつながることが重要なのは、それによって自分が変わりたいからではなく、「妻にとってより良い夫に、クライアントにとって、より良いアドバイザーになりたいからだ」と気付いたことです。 私は人生で初めて、この分野「自分の感情と深く向き合うこと」に向き合い、変えていくことを受け入れました。なぜなら、「何故そうしたいのか」という理由がはっきり分かったからです。

Q.4 このセッションは、どんな人にお勧めですか?



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